About Us
Our Home came into existence in the month of May 2004, occupying two double storey houses in a quiet neighbourhood. It is a non profit organization looking into the welfare of the needy.
Currently we are running an old folks home catering 32 inmates ranging from age 50 years to 95 years old inclusive of care givers. Exception intake for inmates below 50 years old will only be considered under certain criteria in terms of health and needs. Here we have wheel chair bound old folks who requires special attention. Therefore apart from daily basic household needs, the homes also need nursing and health items which include first aid items, aduilts diapers, surgical gloves, antiseptic, etc.
We need RM 14,000.00 monthly to run the home. Therefore support and contribution in cash and kind is very crucial and very much needed to sustain in the running of the home in order to meet the needs of the old folks here with better nursing, health and logistic care. We try our very best to provide for them a loving and caring environment and to uphold them with moral and spiritual support.
Here we also look into the welfare and needs of single mothers with children and yound unmarried mothers. We try to help them emotionally and spiritually through counseling as many often try to attempt suicide when they are faced with a blleak future. We also help to raise fund to help to subsidized their monthly expenses. We also try to otganize trips our outing for them, twice annually, knowing that this incentives will bring much joy to them and their children as such trips are unaffordable to them.
We welcome and appreciate your participation in this noble cause in giving to the needy. Together let us build towards a caring society! Thank you.