Our plan for 2014
Uncertainty looms over Caring Old Folks Home in Taman Muhibbah, Kajang that has been ordered by the local council to move out before end of the year 2014.
Caring Old Folks Home now shelters 46 residents and has been operation from its current location for 10 years. we have never changed our location for more than 10 years. It was slapped with an eviction notice last year due to a neighbor's complaints.
Fortunately, amid the pressure of an uncertain future, a donor has kindly offered them a piece of land in Sungai Tangkas at a discounted price of RM 550,000. The piece of land is valued at RM 1.2mil.
RM 550,000 iss a large amount for us, we hope members of the society could donate generously to help the organization realize its dream of having a real home. The council had initially ordered them to move out by May 2013, but was postponed after a wave of appeal. We hope to secure the piece of land as soon as possible and construct the building before the deadline. Otherwise, the residents will be homeless.
We are planning to build four - or five-storey building on the plot designated for only multistorey structures. The ground floor is for the senior citizens, first floor for orphans, second floor houses for the office, third floor is storage and recreational centre while the top floor is for a library and other use.
If the plot is secured, the building is estimated to cost another RM 1 mil. Wendy hoped a developer could help build the structure, or donors could contribute generously, add that each level would be named after the donor.
The building also need an elevator for the convenience of the senior citizens, therefore we hope got any eleveator company could give us a helping hand.
While the plan is going along it way, we really need a lot of help from the public, the price of the land is still too high for our home to handle alone even after the discount, so we really appreciate help from the public, if you interested in how you can help us, please visit the charity page and we have every details in it, on the other hand, if you still doubt about something, you can always contact us, all Caring Old Folk house info are in the About us page.